Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Q and A at Julie Morrigan's Blog

I sat down recently with Julie Morrigan for a little question and answer session about writing, Lost Exit, and the world of publishing (she makes me sound almost coherent).  You can check out the interview here.

She's also got some other Q and A's with writers and creative types like Paul D. Brazill, Chris Rhatigan, Charlie Wade, and Iain Rowan that you can check out.

Friday, December 2, 2011

More Updates About Pushcart Prizes (and Literary Whatnot)

For the second time in less than two weeks I’m honored, flattered, and humbled by a Pushcart prize nomination….
I’ve just been notified by Kate Pilarcik (publisher of "At the Bijou"), that my short story WHO’S GOT THE ACTION has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in literature (You can read it here).
What makes this one special and fun is that some of my fellow nominees are not only friends, but writers whose work I greatly admire like Joseph Grant, Anthony Venutolo,  Eric Beetner, and Sean Patrick Reardon.  It’s great to share the stage with them.

Some times you just run out of words…..I’m truly honored and flattered.